Office Supplies Web Site
How to order quickly and easily:
1) Select product
2A) For non-editable products: select quantity and add directly to shopping cart.
2B) For editable products: Select the number and press "Continue". Fill out the form to update the information. Review the look. The print job will be saved automatically if you move on to the next step. You can easily enter the template later and retrieve your saved print under "Previous business cards".
3) Review the appearance of each product in the preview before ordering. The appearance of the products will be precise as the preview. Seeing something wrong, go back and fix the error or contact support if you need help.
4) Go to shopping cart. Make sure that the selected edition matches or changes to the number you want.
5) Please check your order carefully and then confirm by pressing the 'Send' button. Once you have confirmed, the order will be sent to the printer. An order confirmation will be sent to your email address.